HLB Bulgaria won major audit project…

December 19, 2013

HLB Bulgaria won major audit project for the Enterprise for management of the environment protection activities, with the contract value of €434 thousands. – 19.12.2013г.

HLB Bulgaria signed a contract with the Enterprise for management of the environment protection activities for the audit of the project “Implementation of activities concerning closure and recultivation of municipal waste landfills that do not meet the legal requirements” funded by European operational program Environment.logo-hlb-bulgaria

In implementing the project HLB Bulgaria will audit projects in 48 municipalities throughout the country. The contract value is €434 thousand and implementation period of 24 months.

HLB Bulgaria won the project despite strong competition of five leading audit companies in the country – second and third place went to KPMG Bulgaria and Deloitte Bulgaria. The proposal of HLB Bulgaria was assessed with the highest score, as a complex evaluation of tenders was 70% for the evaluation of the technical proposal and 30% for the price proposal.

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